Barco R9805129
HDX Hush Kit
Item #0600-4548 Model #R9805129
Purpose of this upgrade kit
The HDX Hush kit is designed to reduce the noise level of the HDX projector.
Where to use
The HDX Hush kit is exclusively designed for Barco HDX projectors, such as the HDX W12, HDX W14, HDX W18 and HDX W20 FLEX. The HDX Hush kit consist in an adapted projector front cover and rear cover which air inlets and outlets are enlarged. The front cover is equipped with better sound-absorbing material. These mechanical modifications goes together with a projector software upgrade. With the HDX software package version V1.07 (or higher) installed the Hush feature can be enabled for optimal result.
R9805133 Hush Filter Pack with 5
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